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The Generator

The Generator has an open enveloping aura – an aura that attracts and draws towards itself. Thus, if the Generator body acts within its natural balanced aura, it will attract the right people, opportunities, actions etc so that it can experience a fully satisfactory life.

To achieve this:

  1. The key is to learn to wait, listen to your sacral energy before you respond, waiting is difficult, particularly for the energy-packed Generators; waiting for the mind is torture and creates the first frustration.

  2. If you respond too quickly you end up doing the wrong things / end up with the wrong person / getting into trouble / second wave of frustration.

  3. To wait for means you must switch off the mind in terms of strategy and decision making – the mind must have no authority over you. If you listen to the mind you are lost.

The emotional theme of the Generator is frustration. If you are prepared to take on this new Generator lifestyle, take note of the following.

  • You wait patiently to respond to the right stimulus and once you respond it will re-generate the right energy so that you can explore and experience life in total satisfaction. Come totally into the flow of everything.

  • To know if it is the right time you can check with your sacral energy by asking very simple Yes/No questions (sacral will allow you to get to the truth quickly and effectively):

    • is it the right thing to do now? Does it feel right? (If you can cut out the mind, your body and aura will have tested the opportunity and give you a crystal-clear answer).

    • and/or you can follow your authority to check if the decision is right.

  • If you respond correctly to the sacral you get more life energy – you will feel that life force. This then builds your momentum and can easily be shared with others to join in and benefit from the energy flow.

  • Generators are here to use your energy – by the end of the day you must use up all your energy so that you can rest and re-generate through sleep the new energy for the next day.

Generators in their energetic flow Blocked Generators

+ Energetic - Often frustrated

+ Masters of their work - Quit too soon

+ Access to sustainable energy - Tired or exhausted

+ Self-aware - Can feel stuck

Affirmation for the Generator

I trust in the infinite abundance of the Universe, and I wait for the right sign for me to show up.

I am perfectly designed to do the work that is right for me. When I am doing the right work, I am energized and alive.

I always know what to do.

I trust my Sacral response and go with my gut. I must use my energy every day. I am an energy being with sustainable energy.

I regenerate my energy with a good night’s sleep.


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Vitalitry Business Advice BV

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